30 April 2011


Cranford is a little town, a quiet village (I've been re-watching Disney's Beauty and the Beast lately) filled with quiet middle-aged ladies.

Although the ladies only appear quiet.  They are in fact very busy, visiting one another, writing letters, worrying over the proper way to address a visiting, recently-widowed Scottish baronet's wife and whether it would be proper for more middle-class ladies to visit her.

Cranford is a series of reminisces from a young lady's visits to Cranford thinly disguised as a novel.  Gaskell gives us a very good picture of the lives of upper-middle class/slightly shabby due to lack of money women in an era when gentlewomen frowned on work of any kind.  It's a household novel, full of domestic details you won't find in an Austen, although still a novel of manners in many ways.  Very sweet and a great introduction to Victorian literature.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Ooh, my ereader stopped working halfway through Cranford last year (it somejhow kept crashing on a particular page of the novel). I cannot wait to return to it - in print this time.
