
11 September 2012

BBAW 2012 Day 2: An interview swap with Hannah of Word Lily!

The interview swap is one of the best parts of BBAW.  First, the anticipation - who do you get? - then the fun of coming up with questions.  This year I traded questions with Hannah, aka wordlily, which was a wonderful surprise - we already interact through Twitter and Ravelry (bet you can't guess what our handles are there, haha) so this was a great opportunity to get to know each other better.  My questions (and occasionally answers) are in the italics:

Since we're both knitters, I have to tell you that I'm massively jealous of your new studio (knitters always take time to admire The Stash).  Are you ever tempted to start your own fiber-y business?

My yarn room? Gee, thanks! Tempted? Yes. Will it happen any time soon? Likely not. I've been oh-so-close before, though, to starting my own fiber arts business. I'll be sure to let you know if I do, though, k? :p What about you?
(I would need to knit much, much faster!  I'm mostly a gift-producing/Christmas stocking-making mechanism right now - I love to give booties or a sweater wrapped with a stack of board books to welcome new babies.  I do knit on long as you don't need something right away!)

Who is your favorite knitting book author/publisher (I am extremely partial to Interweave and the Yarn Harlot myself)?

I'm not sure I can name an outright favorite, but Interweave is definitely up there. I'm pretty excited to see what Cooperative Press is doing these days, too. Authors, hm. I really do have trouble picking favorites of anything. I love the Yarn Harlot's blog, but alas I haven't read any of her books yet. I also like Mason-Dixon Knitting (and, and, and ...).

Congrats on your new bebe!  What are some favorite childhood books you look forward to sharing with your little guy?  And a lovely picture, thank you for letting me share it!

I honestly don't remember very many (if any) books from the years when my parents read to me (and they did). So I feel like I'm discovering books for these young ages for the first time! Which is fun, but a bit daunting, too. Any recommendations?
(My mother read nursery rhymes to us when we were little things - my older-younger brother did it with all three of his girls.  He knows all the verses to "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod" now!  I learned to read with Winnie-the-Pooh books and I still love them.  I love the board book versions of The Hungry Caterpillar, Guess How Much I Love You, and Each Peach Pear Plum - fun to read and hard to damage.  Being a bookseller and auntie means I've found new picture books, too.  The Skippyjon Jones and Splat Cat picture book series all get high marks from my nieces and No Matter What is a great book for moms and little kids.  Then I have to recommend Bats at the Library and The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore to any booklover.  TFFBoMML was made into a beautiful Oscar-winning animated short film - it's available on YouTube.)

You've been very involved in the INSPYs for the last several years. Do you have any favorite nominees or winners that fall into the "must-read" category?

So many great books! A Star Curiously Singing by Kerry Nietz, City of Tranquil Light by Bo Caldwell, The Fiddler's Gun by A.S. Peterson, Passport through Darkness by Kimberly L. Smith, The Falling Away by T.L. Hines, The Reluctant Prophet by Nancy Rue, The Fences Between Us by Kirby Larson. Sorry, that's probably an overwhelmingly long list ...
(Nah, we're all booklovers here - we like lists.)

What's the best book you've read this year, and why?

The Hunger Games trilogy, because they're that good. Great story. How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr, because the writing is brilliant, and it's heart-wrenching. The two Wodehouse books I've read this year, one because it was my first novel of his, and the other because it was my first of hopefully many encounters with Jeeves and Wooster. I'm not good at picking just one.
(How to Save a Life is on my TBR long list!)

What's been your most meaningful blogging experience?

Working on the INSPYs is probably the greatest blogging-related experience I've had. Although going to Hutchmoot and meeting My Friend Amy also qualifies as pretty great.
(Yay, meeting Amy!! I'd love to meet her someday, too.)

Stop by Hannah's blog for my answers to her questions!


  1. I want to read The Flying Books so much!

    Good interviews.

    1. It is such a lovely story! Every booklover should have a copy :)

  2. I didn't realize I asked so many questions in my answers! Thanks for the book recs. :)

    1. You're welcome :) (And you only asked two questions, I'm just wordy :P)

  3. Wow really interesting interview, both the questions and the answers. Hannah's blog is new to me too, but I'm definitely impressed.

  4. Yay, WordLily! Congratulations on your beautiful new baby. :)

  5. Loved discovering your blog -- said the fellow knitter!
