
10 September 2012

BBAW 2012 Day 1: Appreciate!

Monday's topic:
Appreciation! There are no awards this year, but it can still be hard to navigate the huge universe of book blogging. Share with your readers some of the blogs you enjoy reading daily and why.

My Google Reader overflows daily - thanks to book bloggers (easily the largest category in my GR, followed by knit bloggers in a close second, then photography blogs).  Just a few of my "always read" bloggers (Twitter handles, too):

Swapna:  S. Krishna's Books is such a professional, cohesive work - all Swapna's posts are similarly laid out, very easy to read, and easy to tell which books she recommends.  But even books she doesn't particuarly like are reviewed with courtesy, a standard to which we should all strive to achieve.  Plus, she reads faster than I do - much, much faster - so there's always a new review or two to read! (@skrishna)

Marie:  The Boston Bibliophile is fast becoming my go-to blog for literary fiction reviews, especially those books put out by small presses.  I found Melville House through Marie's blog (and helped save some penguins!).  She's a fellow bookseller, so we get to share a mutual joy in recommending books to customers. (@bostonbibliophil)

BookRiot:  Now, this one is a bit of a cheat since I get Rebecca and Jenn in one fell swoop as well as their personal blogs (The Book Lady's Blog and JennIRL, respectively) as well as Bookrageous.  They both do a good chunk of their writing here and I always, ALWAYS love to read their thoughts whether it's about a specific book (as in when Rebecca read 50 Shades of Grey so I didn't have to - here's Part 1 to get you started) or thoughts on book news of the day. (@RebeccaShinsky and @jennIRL)

Raych:  She always makes me laugh.  I think we have very similar tastes in humor but she's just that much funnier.  When she likes a book it is covered in caterpillars! As a visual bonus, her blog header features art created by her sister.  (@raychraych)

Pam:  I consider Pam to be the RiotGrrrl of book blogging.  She goes her own way.  If there's something hinky going down in books and publishing she'll let you know about it at Bookalicious.  She also created, a collaborative blog focusing on children's and YA books and is hard at work on Brazen Books, an upcoming romance review blog (to which I will contribute, hehe). (@bookaliciouspam)

Hannah:  Can't leave out my BBAW 2012 swap partner! We were both tickled pink to find ourselves paired up this year.  Hannah's had a busy year - new baby! - so not as many posts (which I am guilty of, too, but I have no cute baby on whom to focus my attention) but they are always heartfelt.  In addition, Hannah has been a major player in the INSPY awards. (@wordlily)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love this and I read all the blogs you listed! I have no idea why my first comment is under Addie's name. I'm having a webfail kind of day.

    1. 'Tis OK - Addie comments are always welcome in any form :)

  3. Hey, thanks for the mention! I have a special spot in my heart for all the book bloggers who enjoy and blog fiber arts, too.

    And such great blogs on your list, love 'em. :)

  4. I really like the folks at Book Riot too - I hadn't even checked out the individual blogs. Thanks for sharing.

    1. And if you haven't checked out Bookrageous, you should - it's a great podcast!

  5. Yay for BBAW! I'm having so much fun exploring all of these blogs I can't even tell you ;) Thanks for sharing your list, I'm off to check them out!
    The Relentless Reader

  6. Thanks for the shout out! I've kind of been failing at the regular posting thing lately (and probably will continue to do so over the next few weeks), but I so appreciate the kind words.

    1. Hey, it's forgiveable - you were house hunting! I've been there :)
