
01 January 2013

Well, hellooo there, 2013!

Here I am again, looking down the barrel of another year.

Ugh, that sounds way more depressing than I meant it to come out but, howevermuch I avoid it, a New Year it is and, hence, a time for me to reflect on goals both reading/blogging and personal.

On the book front, I challenged myself to read 120 books in the 2013 Goodreads Challenge.  I figure 120 is a good compromise between the 110 I used as my goal last year and the 191 I actually ended up reading.  That's the easy-to-set-up goal.

The harder-to-set-up goal is currently going by the moniker "Read the Books I Meant to Read Challenge".  Inspired by Carrie's challenge to read one book per month she's meant to read (and others are reading with her) I am going to do something similar.  I live in a house with a re-donk-ulous number of books and I haven't read a good chunk of them.  Oh, I mean to, of course, since I purchased them, but I just haven't got around to reading them yet.  So the "Read the Books I Meant to Read Challenge" will consist of a list of books I've been meaning to read "for some time" (this is flexible) with the plan to read and finish at least one of them per month.  I haven't sussed out the stack of books/shelf of books/entire bookcase filled with unread books as yet but when I do I'll set up a separate challenge/project post for it.

On the personal front, I really need to get myself in shape, physically, mentally, and financially.  My goals for the year are (unfortunately, they're really vague, and since I learned in my self-improvement crazy-train reading, vague goals are hard to fulfill so they still need work):
1. Drink more water.
2. Get more sleep.
3. Move more.
4. Improve my money management (step 1: finish getting everything into Quicken)
5. Relax.
6. Take a vacation.
7. Be brave.
8. Cook for myself (I have discovered that my kitchen is cleaner when I'm actually cooking in it, random).

I should write those down and leave reminders in multiple places.  Really.

The first step:  I'm drinking coffee and staring at an empty water bottle.  I should fill the water bottle.


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I'm glad I inspired you to get to some of those books you've always meant to read!

    1. I had to ask the Twitter Oracle which blogger thought up the idea! I knew I'd seen it in my GR feed but then couldn't get the right blog to come up - thank goodness for My Friend Amy.
