
13 October 2012

Win "The Deception of the Emerald Ring" audiobook during #readathon!

Hey-hey!  It's my first ever giveaway!  I'd been thinking about doing one for a while and then an opportunity just fell into my lap.

Lauren Willig, author of the Pink Carnation series of Regency spy/romance novels, was cleaning out a closet and found a bunch of finished copies of her books.  So she posted on Facebook that she'd be willing to send out these books to bloggers, etc., for giveaways and things.

She even had an audiobook copy of The Deception of the Emerald Ring.  It's my favorite of her books.  I love Letty and her practicality and how she just never gives up.  Geoff isn't so bad himself.  So I messaged Lauren and she was more than happy to send the audiobook on its way to me.
And now I am going to send it on its way to a forever home!  Because what better time to do a give-away than during Readathon?
This contest is open to the US and Canada.  To enter, please leave a comment on this post telling me what book you enjoyed most during the Readathon this go-round and link back to one of your Readathon posts or tweets.  At midnight on next Sunday, October 21 (my time - I live in the Midwest), I'll close the comments then put all the names in a hat - or Ye Olde Random Number Generator if there are too many names for a hat - and pick the lucky winner!
Yay, reading!


  1. My favorite read was 1+1=5 and Other Unlikely Additions. It is a children's book and it is wonderfully creative and fun! I wrote about it at

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    My favorite read from the readathon was Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. A great YA Contemp!

  3. Favorite was Dash and Lily's Book of Dares. Such a cute and funny story!

    And you can check out a bunch of my posts on my blog:


  4. I loved Ten by Grethchen McNeil! It was quick but packed a great punch! AT
