
09 October 2012

Looking ahead: #dewey's #readathon on October 13, 2012!

I try to join Dewey's 24-hour Readathon every fall for at least part of the day/night (there's one in the spring, too, but my schedule puts the kibosh on that).  It's strange, but I feel oddly comforted knowing that bloggers/tweeters all over the world are all reading for a day at the same time.

In preparation, I've started accumulating a pile of "planned reading" - more than I ever could possibly read in a day, even with no interruptions, but I like the size because I try to pull in a hodge-podge of genres.  I tend to need a little bit of everything in my Readathon pile otherwise Murphy's Law states that I will still end up staring at my bookshelves, wasting time, because I didn't put any lit crit in my pile.  Considering that I finished Bloom's Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human my first Readathon and The Best American Essays 2011 last year I'm definitely not one of those bloggers who will read just about anything.

I am also, get ready for it, going to hold my first-EVER giveaway during the Readathon.  Yeah, yeah??  Are you excited?  I am.  I recently got lucky in that a favorite author was clearing out a cache and offered the various books and audiobooks up to bloggers, etc. as giveaway prizes.  So, I'll be giving away an audiobook (much as I'd like to hoard it, because it's a favorite book, but I'll be good and send it off to a forever home) - watch your GR, twitter, feedreader, hashtag, etc Saturday!

Now, the only thing left are my snacks....thanks to other bloggers' TSS posts, I've been reminded that I never seem to have food on hand and have to go out to the store on the morning of the Readathon for snacks.  I have a note in my shopping list for Wednesday: buy Readathon snacks!

Bring on Saturday!!

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