
10 October 2010

The Readathon that really wasn't

Get read for the massive "hours read" total....drum roll....three.

Yup, a rather poor showing.  I just couldn't scrape up the time and when I did, I fell asleep in a blink.

Friday night, I went to dinner/indulged in Coach Outlet shopping with friends from out of town, hooray for seeing old friends (Kate and Beth were in town for a wedding - congrats Anna and Mark!).  When I got home, I fell asleep with The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest on my face.  I don't think I made it more than a page or two.  Oops.

Saturday morning, I ran around like a nut to get kitty litter purchased (and a couple throw rugs to keep the cats from picking at a few bad patches of carpet - Chaucer has been picking the nap from the carpet where it was poorly installed) before my parents arrived to inspect my broken dishwasher/take me to lunch/wander the mall until my shift at the store.  Also, as a last-minute addition, my baby niece Alexis came along because her big sisters were going to a pumpkin-patch thing so I had to run around and "baby proof"/de-cat hair my house.  But Alexis makes me laugh with her great, big, see-my-two-front-teeth grin and Buddha-baby cheeks, so it's OK I only got ten pages of Wire in the Blood read on my nook.

So then I worked a full shift at the store.  We had a bookfair and the store was packed and one bookseller picked a fight with me on the salesfloor.  I probably shouldn't have blown my top but she was being a back-stabbing, dishonest, completely out-of-line b-that-rhymes-with-witch (not to mention she's one of the worst employees we've got) and she's really lucky that she doesn't work for me...I'd fire her in a heartbeat.  I got about 20 pages of Wire in the Blood read on my dinner break.

After work, I settled in to finish Wire in the Blood and then succumbed to the two knitting books I'd held off reading: Veronik Avery's Knitting 24/7 and Julie Turjoman's Brave New Knits.  Not exactly what I'd planned on reading but I wasn't really about to concentrate on much of anything anymore (I fell asleep somewhere near the end of Brave New Knits and finished it off between breakfast and another full shift at the store).

So to wrap up:
Wire in the Blood (read 124 pages - finished)
Knitting 24/7 (128 pages - finished)
Brave New Knits (224 pages - finished)

Many thanks to jewelknits, kinnareads, and jensfgeek for popping by my Readathon post for a bit of early Readathon cheering :)

Next Readathon: take a vacation!  Maybe I'll get more reading time.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't do so hot either. I had a bit of a run in with a CO2 meter and had to call the fire department. Yep, they came with the big read truck and lights flashing for a defunct and stinking loud alarm that wouldn't stop going off after three to four hours. Having said that, I've seen that quite a few people were interrupted in their plans for the readathon, so I don't think we're alone! :)
