
17 September 2010

BBAW Future Treasure: Onward!

First of all, before BBAW "officially" ends I need to thank Amy.  BBAW is Amy's brainchild and we don't get to have any fun finding new blogs and books or winning fun giveaways without Amy's generous donation of time.  And her minions' time (of which I was one).  THANK YOU, AMY!!!! *big hug*

On to today's assignment (onward!).

The best part of BBAW is finding new blogs.  Hands down.  Like Cass.  How did I not find her earlier?  I also found Sya, Zee, Allegra, Felicia, Sakura, and finally remembered to put Iris in my GR.  I didn't discover any new books this BBAW but I'm sure I will in the future - that's what the new bloggers are for.

As far as the future of Scuffed Slippers and Wormy Books (and me, the balletbookworm), I will try very hard to comment more on others' blogs and to respond to comments on my blog.  It's part of being a good blog-o-sphere citizen.  If I want people to comment on my blog then I should comment on theirs.  At least once in a while.

I've also cut back on the memes as of late.  I got a bit bored with trying to remember to get meme posts done as well as review posts, because otherwise it's not a review blog at all, knitting posts, and so on.  In the case of "Teaser Tuesdays", my ADD reading sensibilities were causing me to give a Teaser for a book I wouldn't finish for another six months or so.  So I might do a few meme posts here and there but definitely not as many as last year.  I'm trying very hard to keep the number of books I have "in progress" in check so I should have more finished books to review.

Catch you on the flip side!


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Hello, thanks for the mention. Like yourself, I'm a scientist who ran straight to the humanities (but retains a love for both!) You have a wonderful blog and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  2. May you continue reading great books and blog about those for us!

    Here is my BBAW: Forgotten Treasures post!

  3. Hi there! Meeting book bloggers is definitely one of my favorite things about this event, too. And can I just say how much I love the name of your blog?

    Good luck with the goals. Memes are fun here and there but I agree that sometimes they can just be too much.

    Best wishes!

  4. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I have tried to stop doing the meme post, mostly because i don't like feeling forced to make a post when I don't feel like I have anything to say. I try to do Library Loot every time I come back from the library, but that is about it.

    I am trying to comment more too. I have noticed that I get nervous about commenting, wondering if people will like me, thinking "what if they go to my blog and hate it???" ect. So I am going to try to comment more also.

  5. I love meeting new bloggers - like yourself! Those are some great goals I'd like to work on myself. Best of luck!

  6. @chasingbawa: I'm flexing my science geek side with "reading chemistry" blog, still in infant stages but coming along (I was reading your posts on umamimart last night and got soooo hungry!)

    @guatami: thanks!

    @catie: we all get so wrapped up in our own blogs some times :)

    @melissa: nice to meet you too! (there are so many book bloggers named Melissa :) kinda crazy when my email says "Melissa commented on your blog" and I go, "but I didn't comment on my blog!" )

  7. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I agree. Finding new blogs is the best part.

  8. FWIW, thanks for the linky thing to Stephen Fry's blog, something I hadn't known existed.

  9. @heydave: stephen fry is on twitter, too, if you didn't know that; he's pretty prolific

    @sherry: thanks

  10. Thank you for mentioning me! Like you I've resolved to comment more :)
