
19 July 2010

Beth Fish Reads: Harper Perennial Books: Reviews

Beth Fish is spotlighting books from Harper Perennial!  You know, the HarperCollins imprint with the "olive" on the spine and oftentimes a nice "P.S." guide in the back?  It's an imprint I, personally, look for when I'm buying books - I'm kind of a geek in that I like my imprints to look nice on the shelf when lined up next to each other with their pretty spines (I "collect" other imprints, too). 

Check out Beth Fish's Introductory post as well as Beth Fish Reads: Harper Perennial Books: Reviews to see what other Harper Perennial titles are abuzz in the blogging world.  Use the "Mr. Linky" to link up your Harper Perennial posts.  I linked up my reviews to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Poisonwood Bible, and It Could Be Worse, You Could Be Me - I hope to have The Falls, The Moonflower Vine, A Vindication of Love, and Vanishing and Other Stories coming along in the next few months, too.

(And if you have time, mosey on by The Olive Reader - Harper Perennial's fantastic blog)


  1. Thanks so much for the shout-out! I pay attention to imprints too and have been featuring two imprints I love. Besides the fabulous Harper Perennial, I have been an advocate for Amy Einhorn books too. The gateway post is here.

  2. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I'm generally not into imprints, but I came across The Olive Reader blog last week and added several titles to my list. If I like them as much as I think I will, I may have to start seeking out Harper Perennial books.

  3. I went back and added my reviews of Bel Canto, Vindication of Love, The Moonflower Vine and The Falls to Beth F's Mr. Linky :)

  4. Love Harper's Imprints
