
16 September 2009

BBAW: My Favorite Blogs

The time-line for my week is completely messed up due to being out-of-town so my BBAW Monday post about favorite blogs not making the shortlists will be Wednesday instead.

Rebecca @ The Book Lady's Blog --> One of my favorite blogs not only because Rebecca and I have overlapping taste but we both work as booksellers (she gets to plan events, too, of which I'm just a tad jealous) so her Adventures in Bookselling posts make me wonder if she actually works in my store some days.

Rebecca @ Lost in Books --> She's got great features like Take-me-Away Saturday and 20 Questions which are great to read. Rebecca also isn't afraid to jump right in with a plain-speaking post and get to the heart of a controversial thought.

J.C. @ The Biblio Blogazine --> Host of the Banned Books Challenge (woot). I like the domain name.

Jen @ Devourer of Books --> She writes very accessible book reviews, is funny, and has a cute baby so you can coo over Baby Daniel while adding to your TBR.

Ryan @ Wordsmithonia --> Ryan is a fellow BNBC-er and a pretty funny guy. He's got a feature - Favorite Fictional Characters - and this week features my favorite sad, grey donkey.


  1. That thing about great minds and all holds true! I follow all those blogs except one, and I'll be headed over shortly.

    Thanks for the mention Melissa. And I am so happy to have you as part of the Banned Books Challenge.

  2. Thanks for the shout out Melissa. You are the best!
