
16 September 2009

BBAW: I do not have a TBR "pile"

Instead, I have a TBR bin. It lives next to my bed and is primary TBR location Numero Uno (I also have a TBR staging area on the desk, sorry no picture).

But, since I'm overwhelmed by all my books, many of my TBRs go on the shelf like at the library. One day I'd love to have floor-to-ceiling built-in shelves for all my books but my "office" is currently the guest bedroom (the stuffed-animal-covered futon to the right makes it a guest room and the huge corner desk to the left makes it an office).

So my books are guarded by the 100 Acre Woods gang.

(yes, Skippyjohn helps guard the books, too)

PS: Chaucer would like to add that his Mommy's TBR bin makes a very excellent kitty bed...

...and just big enough for one kitty (poor Dante).


  1. I love that you have a "staging area". My very large nightstand has about 130 TBRs in it. I am starting to remove the impulse buys that keep staring at me, making me feel guilty because I know it is unlikely I will read them. Taking them out of the TBR pile was a difficult concept at first, but now I find it kind of liberating.

  2. Great pictures--I am very limited in space for books, so my TBR mostly takes up a shelf in our office, but it keeps creeping over to other shelves...

  3. My ferret likes my book piles. =) I love seeing pictures of double-stacked bookshelves. It makes me feel better.

  4. I see I'm not the only one that likes those bins...the cats like them too
