
01 September 2009

Banned Books Challenge: It begins..

September 1, 2009 has arrived and my first blogging challenge, hosted by Bibliobrat, starts today. The Banned Books Challenge (as previously stated) is pretty simple: read at least one banned/challenged book during the month of September. Banned Books Week officially occurs September 26 - October 3 this year so I would like to have my challenge books read by then.

I am officially reading The Satanic Verses and The Naked and the Dead (since I already own those) and I'm going to try and finish American Psycho by the end of the month as well.

Day 1: Will start The Naked and the Dead when I get home; due to two-hours' worth of panicking over recalled library book that I needed to return or incur UI Library wrath/recall fine of $4/day after 9/8 I forgot to put the Mailer in my bag this morning; the cats hid the library book under the desk (I found it - the fur babies really do love me...I think)

Current books-in-progress: Frankenstein, Foucault's Pendulum, The Moonflower Vine, and Hush, Hush (plus the aforementioned challenge titles)

Current knitted item: 16-button cardie - almost ready to bind off for fronts/backs and start the sleeves
Current movie obsession: Videodrome (Banned Books Week might put me in the mood for an odd movie or two)
Current iTunes loop: Wait, wait...don't tell me!


  1. Obviously, you didn't actually read my post in full. Or the rest of my blog if you think that your blog with all it's links will make me change my mind.

  2. I LOVE Banned Books Week! I may have to join this challenge.

    How are you liking Foucault's Pendulum? I read that last year for my Continental Lit class. It was a difficult read, IMO.

  3. To SafeLibraries...Are you seriously calling the American Library Association a bunch of liars?

  4. To Blackenedphoenix...Not exactly.

    The following contains an accurate reflection of my views:

    "US Libraries Hit Back Over Challenges to Kids Books," by Sara Hussein, Agence France-Presse [AFP], 6 September 2009.
